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Workplace Solutions

Our team of professionals works with clients to rationalize and optimize both new and current workplaces. We accomplish this by working with internal and external stakeholders to identify, develop and recommend opportunities and solutions that support effective client program delivery and workplace optimization. 

We act as an integrator of all real estate data, operating and capital forecasts to support development of each client’s accommodation plan. Our team ensures that clients develop and adopt a long-term asset management and investment approach to real estate management, consistent with government priorities, guidelines and standards.

We work with clients to provide space that reduces carbon footprint and increases productivity, collaboration, user experience and innovation. We use Ontario’s Realty Policy and the OPS Modern Office Space (OMOS) enterprise standard to create consistent, efficient and sustainable office accommodations for our clients that support collaboration, mobility and workforce retention.

Services and expertise provided to clients include: 

  • Accommodation advice
  • Options analysis and recommendations
  • Occupancy planning
  • Portfolio strategy development
  • Footprint reduction
  • Workplace change management
  • Space planning (Feasibility Plans)

If you would like more information about the Workplace Solutions that we provide to clients, please email